New Jersey Marathon training update: Week 8

I took my seventh pair of New Balance 1600s out for their first run this week. Can you tell I like these shoes? I think I might be turning this thing around! I started the week off really down about training. I was still in pain and close to writing it all off and changing my plans. Still, I kept with what I had been doing to recover and brought my mileage up a little while still staying under what was scheduled. [Read More]

New Jersey Marthon training update: week 7

Tank top and shorts! Also, lots of crap on my knees. Week seven of training was a complete wash. It was planned to be a step-back week to 42 miles, but I stepped it all the way down to just 23 miles. My knee is still a mess and three straight rest days to start the week didn’t seem to make a difference. [Read More]

New Jersey Marathon training: week 6

Week six of training was kind of a disappointment. I started off the week with an unplanned rest day on Monday. I had five miles planned, but I felt like it was better to give my knee the day off. For the middle of the week I stuck to my schedule, even though there was yet more snow. We got another foot or so of the white stuff going into Thursday morning so my run was a bit of a mess. [Read More]

New Jersey Marathon training: week 5

Yup, more snow! Another week down! That’s five of ‘em! This week brought more snow and crappy winter weather our way. What else is new, right? We started right off with around eight inches of fresh snow Monday morning, but luckily, I just had a five-miler to do. Tuesday night’s weather called for another 4-6” of snow with .25” of ice as well so I moved Wednesday’s ten miles up a day and did that run right after work right before the storm came. [Read More]

New Jersey Marathon training: week 4

A brief break in the Winter From Hell meant SHORTS AND A T-SHIRT! Well, I’m already a quarter of the way through training for the New Jersey Marathon! Four weeks down, twelve to go! Last week was the first one so far that’s gone entirely according to plan without having to shift runs around. The weather early in the week was still pretty damn cold and everything got a fresh coat of another two inches of snow in the middle of the week, but things warmed up a bit for the weekend. [Read More]

New Jersey Marathon training update: Week 3

This is a big hunk of frozen sweat stuck to the back of my neck It’s just week three of training for the New Jersey Marathon and I’m already over it. As much as I actually enjoy the cold and winter, I’ve had enough. Subzero temperatures with heavy winds, snowstorm after snowstorm, freezing rain, ice. I’ve run through it all. In fact, I can’t remember the last run that didn’t feature one of these. [Read More]

New Jersey Marathon training update: Weeks 1 and 2

Two weeks down, fourteen more to go! I’m one eighth of the way through training for the New Jersey Marathon! Weeks one and two were originally written in my training plan as the being the same, but being that I didn’t feel like my mileage was quite up to par yet going into week one, I made a few modifications. I cut the lengths of a few of the runs to drop the mileage by four for the week. [Read More]