New Jersey Marathon - 3:48:25

Some races are great, some are just good, and some are bad. Then, there are the ones that are just straight up terrible, even comically bad. That was my day at the New Jersey Marathon yesterday. I’m not even going to beat around the bush here, this was the worst race I’ve ever run, performance wise. Some days are just off days and some races are just off races. It happens. [Read More]

Miles for Music 20k - 1:34:34

Just having fun at the 15k mark! Prior to the Miles for Music 20k in Highland Park, NJ, I’d never run a 20k before. It always seemed like a weird distance to me. I’d much rather just run an extra .7 miles for a half marathon, but I had a lot of fun at this race! This wasn’t a planned race. Instead, it was a last minute decision I made on a whim the day before after my wife casually mentioned that I may not be able to do my twenty-miler in the park as planned because of the race. [Read More]

Richmond Marathon - 3:44:55

Marathon number five, the Richmond Marathon is complete! I feel like I always say this after races, but I really, really liked this race! Pre-race stuff Flat Amy is ready to go! We made the drive down to Richmond on Friday morning in just a hair under five hours so we made pretty good time! We went straight to the race expo and, in a pretty ridiculous coincidence, Dori, who had left just a little before us but had a further drive than us, got there at the same time we did! [Read More]