Erie Marathon training: week 5

I seriously really love this shirt! Last week was full of a bunch of ups and downs with running. I started off with a seven-miler that was the good kind of tough. You know, where it’s hard because you’re pushing yourself. Felt pretty proud of myself. Then Wednesday’s run was just completely awful. I had ten miles on the schedule, but by the time I had gotten home from work the humidity had climbed to close to 100% thanks to a mini thunderstorm. [Read More]

Erie Marathon training: week 4

Just a girl and the black & white love of her life! I had mentioned that last week was going to super busy and training was going to be difficult to get done, but it turned out that a lot of my plans for the week changed and getting in most of my runs wasn’t too hard. Tuesday morning, I got up early to beat the heat and knocked out a humid seven miles before heading into NYC to meet up with my friend and her wife who were visiting from Wisconsin. [Read More]

Erie Marathon training: week 3

My 8th pair of 1600s got the call last week! While last week is the first official week of training for Erie since I just got into the race last weekend, I’m calling it week three since I was already training and, working backwards from race day, I’m on week three of my training plan. Last week was actually a decent week of training. [Read More]

Go away summer, we're not friends

I’ve never really been a big fan of summer. I like a lot of the things that happen in summer, but I don’t handle the heat and humidity well. Never have, probably never will. I sweat a lot and I sweat easily. I get gross on the fast. A perfect warm weather day for me is something like 70° and like 20% humidity, anything more than that I’m rather miserable to be around. [Read More]

New Jersey Marathon training recap and race goals!

Welp, my marathon is just about here! Even though I’ve been training literally the entire year for this race, it kind of feels like it snuck up right up on me, to be honest! Training recap Looking back at my training, I’d said it was solid overall. I ran a lot more miles than I ever have before. I broke my weekly and monthly training distance records with 60 and 213 miles, respectively, and I put myself on pace for a whole lot of miles in 2014. [Read More]

New Jersey Marathon training update: week 14

Taper is here! Taper is here! Wooo! Last week was a repeat of the previous week’s 60-mile schedule and it was no less grueling. My nine mile runs on Tuesday and Thursday were tough, but the paces were decent. Wednesday’s thirteen miles were a bit of a struggle, but I got them done. My legs are just so damn tired all the time now. The wife and I before our long run on the towpath [Read More]

New Jersey Marathon training update: week 13

Sixty. That’s how many miles I ran last week! Whhaaaa?!?! I’ve never run that many miles in a week before and I’m actually slightly shocked I pulled it off. Tuesday’s nine miles were extremely solid. I wasn’t expecting that. My legs were still exhausted from the week before’s training, but somehow this run really came together nicely for a sub-goal-marathon pace run. Wednesday was a huge struggle though. [Read More]