Random apartment hunting thoughts

For the last week, since accepting my new job offer and deciding to move to Jersey City, my wife and I have been on a serious apartment hunt. We are leaving no stone unturned! We don’t have to find a place before I start and since our lease at our current place technically expired in October 2013 (I’m fairly certain our landlord thinks we re-signed for two years like the original lease, but it was just a one year renewal and there is no aut0-renew clause). [Read More]

Huge news!

FYI, there’s a tl;dr at the bottom, but that’s so much less fun than reading the following 2,000 words! Finally, I can openly talk about this! After six and a half years at my current job, the time to move on has come. My job has been great in so many ways, but I think we’ve stopped being the right fit for each other. I’ve done some awesome work in my time here and working here has profoundly changed my life in some really amazing ways. [Read More]

I hate stuff

This past Saturday, I had dinner with a few friends from home. Afterwards, I went back to my one friend’s house to watch the movie Snowpiercer. Of the group I had dinner with, he’s by far the one I’m closest with. We’ve been friends for literally half my life and he was in our wedding party. He was one of the first people who ever knew I was trans. I was around 16 when I told him and I really didn’t even know what it was I was trying to tell him at the time. [Read More]

The very dark side of messing with your body's hormones

Trigger warning for talking about suicide As you can tell by the trigger warning, this post will touch on suicide a bit. I’ve written about this a few times before, but, while I know it won’t be the last time I write about it by any means, I’m always a little hesitant to write about it again. It always seems to raise concern with at least a few people. But, as I have written about before, being able to write about these kinds of things has always been helpful to me. [Read More]

I went bathing suit shopping

Transition has made me have to face a lot of things I used to be able to take for granted. A bathing suit used to be as simple as a pair of shorts with some netting inside. Like the pattern? Cool. Done. And it didn’t really matter how I looked. No one really cares what a guy looks like in a bathing suit unless you hit either one of the extremes (super ripped and jacked or morbidly obese). [Read More]

My life is totally not what I expected it to be and I'm really happy about that

The color version of this photo is literally my favorite photo of me *ever* I’ve been thinking a lot recently about how we change and grow. Sometimes, our lives turn out so far from where we thought they would, it’s hard to believe we’re physically the same person we used to be—well, okay, I’m not quite even physically the same person anymore, but you know what I mean. [Read More]

The Power of Pronouns

On Tuesday, I wrote about feeling great and being very happy with where I am with transition related stuff. It was just one of those days where I felt awesome and beautiful. Every time I looked in the mirror, I loved what I saw so much. My confidence was through the roof. Unfortunately, like pretty much everyone else, we have ups and downs with our self-confidence and sometimes things happen that can shake that confidence. [Read More]